The truth about common eating is so obvious that no one can question it. It is always a taste of passion. There are others, as in the practice of almost any law; but what is almost constant in the behavior we mentioned, is, as we said, a continued increase in appetite for the imbibed stimulant. That it is due to some morbid changes in the physical state that produces alcohol itself, will hardly be doubted by anyone who knows the various organic and organic derangements that always follow before introducing this to the heart. . 


But it is to the fact itself, not to the reason, that we now want to draw your attention to. The man who was satisfied at first with a glass of wine and dinner discovers, after a while, that his appetite requires a little more; and, over time, a second drink is acceptable. The increase in demand may be rapid, but it continues until eventually, the whole bottle will be enough, and in great measure, to satisfy his appetite. The same goes for using any other type of alcohol. 


Now, there are men who have been created so that they can, for a long period of years, or even for the rest of their lives, prevent this desire in the passion. Say "Until now, no more". They end up suffering from skin diseases, which follow a long period of alcohol poisoning in the soft parts of the body, many of which have a painful quality, shortening their life span. life; but they are still able to drink without increasing their appetite to the point of overpowering. They don't become abandoned alcoholics. No one is good at drinking. ------------------------------------- 


 But no one who started drinking alcohol in any form can say what the most effect it will have on his body or his mind. Thousands and tens of thousands of people who do not know the dangers of this spring, enter the grave of drunkards every year. There is no standard by which anyone can measure the hidden evil forces in their inherited nature. He may have ancestors, close or distant, bad habits, or physical diathesis, in which the harmful effects of alcohol individually will make his bad condition worse. - see that his life is terrible. That such a result follows the consumption of alcohol in many cases is now well known in the history of alcoholism. The issue of alcoholism, with its psychological and behavioral factors that lead to it, attracted a lot of attention. Physicians, superintendents of alcoholic and lunatic asylums, prison guards, legislators, and philanthropists have discovered and studied many sad and frightening processes, and documented results and theories. Although there are differences in some points, such as, for example, whether alcoholism is a disease that, after it is established, the person ceases to be responsible for it, and must be kept in custody and treatment , such as fever or fever; this crime will be punished; and it is a sin which the Doctor of the soul will repent and heal, they all agree that there is in many cases an inherited or acquired mental and nervous condition which makes any drinking dangerous. 


What we want to tell you is that no man can know, until he has drunk alcohol for some time, whether he has this inheritance or whether he has a physical or mental condition; and that, if it were to be, the discovery of the truth might come in time. Dr. D.G. Dodge, late superintendent of the New York State Intoxicated Asylum, speaks of the causes which lead to running away, after declaring it to be an infectious disease, such as "scrofula, gout or consumption." said: 


“There are men who have an organization that can be called drunkards; and their latent desire for stimulants, if indulged in, soon leads to the habit of intemperance, and finally to a disease of hunger, which has all the characteristics of this The bottom of the system, the patient, without help, can not help. since the mental weakness that caused the disease stands in the way of its eradication. 


"Furthermore, we see another class of people, who have healthy parents, who are educated and who are good at social, moral, and social relations, but their character and such physical principles, that, once they engage in the use of stimulants, which they find pleasurable, they continue to engage in their habit until they lost their meekness and became drunkards. An immoral desire begins, which slowly leads them to destruction.
