What is a pile?


The dilation of the radicles of the rectal veins and canals is called dynamism. The medical term for piles is hemorrhoids. Compared to arteries, veins are weaker due to their thin walls so any back pressure on the veins can cause them to suffer. There are three rectal veins superior, middle and inferior. Any obstruction or enlargement of these veins can cause hemorrhoids. Depending on the situation, there are two types of piles.


1) External pile. 2) Inner layer.


1) External layer:- 


This type of pile is visible outside the open space and is covered with skin. It is black or brown in color. This type of pile is painful due to the increased innervation in this area. 2) Internal Battery:- 


It is found in the energy field and in the frontal field. It is covered with mucous membranes and is red or purple in color. These pills are painless.


Sometimes, both internal and external piles occur in the same person. Causes of heat:-- 


1) It is a family disease.


2) Piles are found only in animals that maintain an upright posture. This is due to the blockage of the rectal veins due to the effect of gravity.


3) It is common in people with chronic constipation. People who often go to the bathroom because of the need to have frequent bowel movements may develop hemorrhoids in the future. 4) Constipation is common in people who eat too much chicken, shrimp, spicy food, etc. People who eat vegetables and fibrous food are not affected.


5) Some women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to compression of the rectal veins by the uterus. 6) Canker sores in the rectum can block blood flow and cause hemorrhoids.


Signs and Symbols of Piles:-- 


1) Pain:- 


Pain is common in external hemorrhoids that worsens with bowel movements. 2) Blood:- 


Blood appears and spills when the stool is pressed. Blood can be heavy in some cases.


3) Obesity:- 


In the external cavity, there is a swelling around the orifice that spreads. As for the internal battery, it cannot be done before. As the disease progresses, the piles come out during bowel movements and go in automatically. When the situation worsens, the piles that appear will not fall in strength. 4) In some cases, there will be a bright discharge near the orifice that spreads the force. 




1, Infection: Infection can spread to the deep veins causing sepsis. 2, fibrosis: here the pile becomes fibrotic and hardening of the orifice.

3, Thrombosis: Here, the blood in the pile will form a clot and can block the flow of blood. 4, Gangrene: Here, the tissue of the pile and the skin around it die due to lack of blood.

5, Suppuration: When the pile suppuration, they can produce an abscess and discharge of pus. Heat treatment:-- 


At first, it was treated on the basis of symptoms. Constipation should be treated. In case of anemia, iron should be given. Homeopathic medicine can give good results. If medical treatment doesn't work, the following can be tried. 1) The thrombosed peripheral pile is removed under local anesthesia.


2) Sclerosing medications can reduce swelling. 3) A rubber band around the neck of the pile helps in some cases.


4) Cryosurgery is very effective. 5) Muscle relaxation can reduce constipation and pain.


6) Hemorrhoidectomy is surgical removal. How to prevent piles?


1) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 2) Eat fibrous food.


3) Avoid too much meat, shrimp, crabs, etc. 4) Keep a regular diet.


6) Drink enough water. 7) Stay in shape for years.


8) Take medicine for constipation. 
