

The tongue is a muscular organ associated with the functions of swallowing, taste and speech. It works as an easy-to-access component for monitoring a person's health and displays the body's hydration level. It is said that the tongue is a mirror of the intestinal system and any negative activity of the stomach and intestines will be reflected in the tongue. 


Some changes occur in the tongue and some diseases. This is why tongue examination is very important and provides some clues for diagnosis. All doctors examine the tongue and they consider changes in size, shape, color, humidity. , cover, shape of growth buds and movement ect. Language output in some situations is not good:- 


1) Language translation:- 


a) In hemiplegia, the tongue moves to the paralyzed side when it comes out. 


b) Tremulus tongue movements are seen in diseases like thyrotoxicosis, delirium tremens and parkinsonisum. Tremors are also seen in panic patients. c) In progressive bulbar disease, there will be weakness and paralysis of the tongue and fibrillation. Finally, the tongue collapses and continues to work on the floor of the mouth. This condition is associated with the leakage of water and the interruption of speech. 


d) In chorea (incessant rhythmic movements), the patient may not be able to hold the protruding tongue at rest, he will move unconsciously. 2) Tongue water:- 


The moisture content of the tongue gives an indication of the hydration status of the body. A decrease in water volume leads to a decrease in bleeding characterized by weakness, thirst, impotence, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dryness, dry tongue.


Dryness of the tongue is seen in these conditions. a) Nausea 

b) Complaints of serious illness 

c) high uremia 

d) Hypovolumic shock 

e) Temperature 

f) Hyponatremia 

g) Bowel obstruction 

h) Hunger 

i) Fasting for a long time.


3) Color Change:- 


a) Central cyanosis:- 


Cyanosis is a blue discoloration of the mucous membranes due to a decrease in oxygen in the blood. This is seen in heart failure, respiratory failure and anoxia. In cyanotic language, the lips turn blue. b) Jaundice:- 


It is a yellow discoloration of the entire nasal part of the body (including the tongue) due to increased bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is seen in hepatitis, blockage of bile ducts, increase in red blood cells and ect...


c) High Uremia:- 


This is an increase in urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood due to kidney failure. Here, the tongue becomes brown in color. d) Keto acidosis: 


This is the acidosis and ketone accumulation seen in diabetes mellitus. Here, the tongue turns brown and smells like ketones from the mouth. 


e) Riboflavin deficiency:- 


Lack of this vitamin (vitamin B2) produces a magenta color of the tongue and pain and cracking of the lips. f) Niacin deficiency:- 


A deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3) and some other complex B vitamins can cause a red or shiny tongue. 


g) Anemia:- 


It is a reduction of hemoglobin in the blood. In severe anemia, the tongue becomes discolored. 4) Tongue Cover:- 


a) Bad breath:- 


The main cause of breathlessness is the formation of a pasty coating (living film) on the tongue that harbors thousands of anaerobic bacteria that cause the production of irritating gases. Those who complain of bad breath may have a hard coating on the back of the tongue. 


b) Typhoid fever:- 


In typhoid fever, the tongue becomes white as wool. c) candidiasis; 


It is a fungal infection that affects the mucous surface of the body. On the tongue, there will be white blisters appearing.


d) In diabetes and hypoadrenalism, there will be prominent white spots. e) Secondary Syphilis:- 


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Trepenoma pallidum. In the second stage of the disease, we can see painless mucous patches, white opalescent layers that cannot be easily removed. 


f) Leukoplasia:- 


Here, white keratotic plaques are seen on the tongue and oral cavity. It is a condition that causes cancer.
