

The nail is at the end of each finger above the back. The main function of the nail is protection and it also helps in strong grip to hold things. It consists of a hard and relatively light keratinous nail plate that is formed from the nail matrix. . Beneath the nail plate is a soft tissue called the cuticle. Between the skin and the nail plate there is a fold or cuticle of the nail. The hard nail is slightly pink and its surface is convex from side to side. Fingernails grow 1 cm. In three months the toenail takes 24 months for the same.


Importance of efforts in diagnosis: 


The color, shape, form and texture of nails provide information about the health and hygiene of a person in general. All doctors always check efforts for details about the underlying diseases. It is enough to look at the nails to determine the cleanliness of a person. Bad nails can be congenital or due to some diseases. The causes of changes in nails range from simple things to life-threatening diseases. Therefore, a doctor's examination is important for diagnosis. Some negative findings with potential implications are discussed here for general awareness.


1) Cleanliness:- 


We can easily distinguish bad nails. A deposit of dirt under the distal end of the nail plate can lead to the flow of bacteria while eating. If the nails are not done properly, it can lead to nail problems in children. When the worms get into the cavity, the children will crawl, which will put the worm eggs under the fingernails and get into it when they eat. Ingrown toenails can also aggravate the condition of the skin by trimming it properly. Sharp nails in small children cause minor injuries when they kick or swing their hands. 2) Color:- 


a) Nails become pale and anemic.


b) Leukonychia is seen in chronic kidney failure and nephrotic syndrome. c) Bleeding and hypoalbuminemia are also seen in cirrhosis and kidney disease. 


d) Drugs like sulf group, antimalarials and antibiotics etc. can produce nail polish. e) Fungal infection causes black discoloration.


f) In pseudomonas infection, nails turn black or green. g) Nail folds occur in vasculitis, especially in SLE and polyarteritis.


h) Blood spots on the nail are seen due to bleeding and subacute bacterial endocarditis, arthritis, trauma, collagen vascular disease. i) A negative injury produces bleeding and causes a blue/black discoloration.


j) Nails turn brown in kidney disease and reduced adrenal function. k) In Wilson's disease, a semicircular blue spot appears on the nail.


l) When blood supply decreases, nails turn yellow. In jaundice and psoriasis, nails also become yellow. m) In yellow nail disease, all nails are yellow with pleural effusion.


3) Types of nails:- 


a) Clubbing: Here, the tissue under the nail is melted and the part between the nail head and the skin is cleaned. The nail becomes more convex and the finger tips become bulbous and resemble the end of a drum. When the condition worsens, the nail looks like a chicken's beak. Factors that cause plant growth:- 


Birth defects 


Chronic severe cyanosis 


Lung diseases such as empyema, bronchiectasis, bronchial carcinoma and pulmonary tuberculosis. 

Colon diseases such as Crohn's disease, colon polyposis, ulcerative colitis, liver cirrhosis, etc. Cardiac diseases such as Tetralogy of Fallot, Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis and ect.


b) Koilonychia:- 


Here the nail becomes concave like a spoon. This condition is seen in iron deficiency anemia. In this condition, the nail is thin, soft and brittle. Normal convexity will be replaced by concavity. c) Long ridges are seen in Raynaud's disease.


d) The skin breaks down in dermatomyositis. e) Nail telangiectasia is a sign of dermatomyositis, systemic sclerosis and SLE.


4) Arrangements and Agreements:- 


a) Fungal infections of the nails cause deformation, deformation, growth and unpleasant irritation. b) The nails of the nails are characteristic of psoriasis, severe eczema and alopecia areata.


c) Inflammation of the cuticle or nail plate is called paronychia. d) Onycholysis is the splitting of the nail bed seen in psoriasis, infections and after tetracyclines.


e) Destruction of nails is seen in lichen planus, epidermolysis bullosa. f) Missing nail is seen in patellar nail disease. It is an inherited disease.


g) Nails break in Raynaud's disease and gangrene. h) Falling nails are seen in fungal diseases, psoriasis and thyroid diseases.


5) Growth:- 


Decreased blood flow affects nail growth. Nail growth is also affected in severe disease. when the disease disappears, growth resumes, causing it




What is a pile?


The dilation of the radicles of the rectal veins and canals is called dynamism. The medical term for piles is hemorrhoids. Compared to arteries, veins are weaker due to their thin walls so any back pressure on the veins can cause them to suffer. There are three rectal veins superior, middle and inferior. Any obstruction or enlargement of these veins can cause hemorrhoids. Depending on the situation, there are two types of piles.


1) External pile. 2) Inner layer.


1) External layer:- 


This type of pile is visible outside the open space and is covered with skin. It is black or brown in color. This type of pile is painful due to the increased innervation in this area. 2) Internal Battery:- 


It is found in the energy field and in the frontal field. It is covered with mucous membranes and is red or purple in color. These pills are painless.


Sometimes, both internal and external piles occur in the same person. Causes of heat:-- 


1) It is a family disease.


2) Piles are found only in animals that maintain an upright posture. This is due to the blockage of the rectal veins due to the effect of gravity.


3) It is common in people with chronic constipation. People who often go to the bathroom because of the need to have frequent bowel movements may develop hemorrhoids in the future. 4) Constipation is common in people who eat too much chicken, shrimp, spicy food, etc. People who eat vegetables and fibrous food are not affected.


5) Some women experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy due to compression of the rectal veins by the uterus. 6) Canker sores in the rectum can block blood flow and cause hemorrhoids.


Signs and Symbols of Piles:-- 


1) Pain:- 


Pain is common in external hemorrhoids that worsens with bowel movements. 2) Blood:- 


Blood appears and spills when the stool is pressed. Blood can be heavy in some cases.


3) Obesity:- 


In the external cavity, there is a swelling around the orifice that spreads. As for the internal battery, it cannot be done before. As the disease progresses, the piles come out during bowel movements and go in automatically. When the situation worsens, the piles that appear will not fall in strength. 4) In some cases, there will be a bright discharge near the orifice that spreads the force. 




1, Infection: Infection can spread to the deep veins causing sepsis. 2, fibrosis: here the pile becomes fibrotic and hardening of the orifice.

3, Thrombosis: Here, the blood in the pile will form a clot and can block the flow of blood. 4, Gangrene: Here, the tissue of the pile and the skin around it die due to lack of blood.

5, Suppuration: When the pile suppuration, they can produce an abscess and discharge of pus. Heat treatment:-- 


At first, it was treated on the basis of symptoms. Constipation should be treated. In case of anemia, iron should be given. Homeopathic medicine can give good results. If medical treatment doesn't work, the following can be tried. 1) The thrombosed peripheral pile is removed under local anesthesia.


2) Sclerosing medications can reduce swelling. 3) A rubber band around the neck of the pile helps in some cases.


4) Cryosurgery is very effective. 5) Muscle relaxation can reduce constipation and pain.


6) Hemorrhoidectomy is surgical removal. How to prevent piles?


1) Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 2) Eat fibrous food.


3) Avoid too much meat, shrimp, crabs, etc. 4) Keep a regular diet.


6) Drink enough water. 7) Stay in shape for years.


8) Take medicine for constipation. 

Prostate cancer




The prostate is a glandular organ found only in men. It surrounds the neck of the bladder and the first part of the urethra and helps in the secretion of semen. The gland is conical in shape and measures 3 cm in vertical diameter and 4 cm in transverse diameter. It has five anterior lobes, posterior, two lateral and a median lobe. Since the first part of the urethra crosses it any lesion in the prostate will produce difficulty in urinating.


Diseases of the prostate:- 


1) Prostatitis:- 


This is inflammation of the prostate due to bacterial infection. 2) Benign prostate cancer:- 


It is a non-cancerous tumor of the prostate that is found after the age of 50. 3, Prostate Cancer:- This is the fourth leading cause of death from malignant disease in men. Prostate cancer.


Prostate cancer is linked to male and female hormones (androgens). If the level of sex hormones increases, the growth rate of cancer increases. It was found that after the vessel was removed, there was a significant reduction of the tumor. Location of tumor:- 


Prostate cancer usually occurs in the posterior lobe. Non-cancerous growths are seen in other lobes. 


Changes in glands and cancer:- 


The bone is solid with an irregular surface with a normal lobulation effect. Histologically, prostate cancer is adenocarcinoma (cancer of the epithelial cells of the gland) 




The growth rate is fast in prostate cancer. The cyst blocks the urethra and causes difficulty in urinating. Tumor spread:- 


Metastasis in early-stage prostate cancer. 


1) Regional distribution:- 


From the posterior lobe, cancer cells travel to the side lobes and seminal vesicles. Tumor cells also travel to the neck and head of the bladder. 2) Lymphatic circulation:- 


Through the lymphatic vessels, cancer cells reach the inner and outer iliac nodes of the lymph nodes. From there, the cells travel to the retroperitoneal (behind the peritoneum) and mediastinal (inside the chest) lymph nodes. 


3) Blood circulation:- 


The spread of cancer cells takes place through the periprostatic venous plexus and reaches the vertebral veins during coughing and sneezing and finally reaches the vertebral body of the lumbar vertebrae. 


Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer:-- 


Signs and symptoms depend on the stage of the cancer. The following symptoms may be observed. 


1) No symptoms:- 


The tumor is small and only in the posterior lobe. This was discovered by accident. 


2) Hard water:- 


Here, the tumor becomes larger and the urethra is slightly compressed. Soon, there will be frequent hunger and hard urination. 3) When there was a close place near, including the volume of the intestine and the Urishra, there will be painful.


4) Mode limited: - 


When calculated the ureth has been calculated, there will be urine in the urine. 5) Signs of metastasis:- 


Some patients have signs and symptoms of metastases.


a) Lumbosacral pain due to the spread of cancer cells in the lumbar and sacral vertebrae. b) Fracture of the spine due to cancer of the spine.


c) Swelling, pain and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen due to injury in the abdomen. d) Respiratory disease due to cancer of the mediastinal lymph nodes and lungs.


e) General weakness due to spread of cancer in different parts of the body. f) Anemia due to involvement of bone marrow and increased destruction of RBC. 


Clinical examination:- 


Includes any examination to see the prostate gland, palpation of the abdomen to see swelling in the kidneys and any tumors. The patient is examined from head to toe to identify any lesions.




1) Complete blood test;- 


RBC, WBC, Platelet, ESR, bleeding time, clotting time ect. 2) Urine test:- 


Microscopic examination to detect pus cells, occult blood, casts, crystals, etc.


3) Kidney function test:- 


Blood urea level, serum creatinine level, electrolyte level ect. 4) Serum acid phosphatase: 


Increase in prostate cancer.


5) X-ray spine:- 


To detect tumors or fractures. 6) Ultrasound; - 


Gives a view of the prostate, bladder, kidneys, etc.


7) CT scan:- 


Full organ and tumor information. 8) Spinal MRI:- 


Provides detailed information about the spine, discs and adjacent soft tissues.


9) Lymphangiography: 


Gives an idea about the lymphatic spread of cancer. 10) Biopsy to detect cancer:- 


A biopsy is taken from the tumor and sent for histopathological examination under a microscope. This will detect the presence of cancer cells.




1) If there is urinary retention, catheterization is necessary. 2) Dialysis if kidney failure




 The truth about common eating is so obvious that no one can question it. It is always a taste of passion. There are others, as in the practice of almost any law; but what is almost constant in the behavior we mentioned, is, as we said, a continued increase in appetite for the imbibed stimulant. That it is due to some morbid changes in the physical state that produces alcohol itself, will hardly be doubted by anyone who knows the various organic and organic derangements that always follow before introducing this to the heart. . 


But it is to the fact itself, not to the reason, that we now want to draw your attention to. The man who was satisfied at first with a glass of wine and dinner discovers, after a while, that his appetite requires a little more; and, over time, a second drink is acceptable. The increase in demand may be rapid, but it continues until eventually, the whole bottle will be enough, and in great measure, to satisfy his appetite. The same goes for using any other type of alcohol. 


Now, there are men who have been created so that they can, for a long period of years, or even for the rest of their lives, prevent this desire in the passion. Say "Until now, no more". They end up suffering from skin diseases, which follow a long period of alcohol poisoning in the soft parts of the body, many of which have a painful quality, shortening their life span. life; but they are still able to drink without increasing their appetite to the point of overpowering. They don't become abandoned alcoholics. No one is good at drinking. ------------------------------------- 


 But no one who started drinking alcohol in any form can say what the most effect it will have on his body or his mind. Thousands and tens of thousands of people who do not know the dangers of this spring, enter the grave of drunkards every year. There is no standard by which anyone can measure the hidden evil forces in their inherited nature. He may have ancestors, close or distant, bad habits, or physical diathesis, in which the harmful effects of alcohol individually will make his bad condition worse. - see that his life is terrible. That such a result follows the consumption of alcohol in many cases is now well known in the history of alcoholism. The issue of alcoholism, with its psychological and behavioral factors that lead to it, attracted a lot of attention. Physicians, superintendents of alcoholic and lunatic asylums, prison guards, legislators, and philanthropists have discovered and studied many sad and frightening processes, and documented results and theories. Although there are differences in some points, such as, for example, whether alcoholism is a disease that, after it is established, the person ceases to be responsible for it, and must be kept in custody and treatment , such as fever or fever; this crime will be punished; and it is a sin which the Doctor of the soul will repent and heal, they all agree that there is in many cases an inherited or acquired mental and nervous condition which makes any drinking dangerous. 


What we want to tell you is that no man can know, until he has drunk alcohol for some time, whether he has this inheritance or whether he has a physical or mental condition; and that, if it were to be, the discovery of the truth might come in time. Dr. D.G. Dodge, late superintendent of the New York State Intoxicated Asylum, speaks of the causes which lead to running away, after declaring it to be an infectious disease, such as "scrofula, gout or consumption." said: 


“There are men who have an organization that can be called drunkards; and their latent desire for stimulants, if indulged in, soon leads to the habit of intemperance, and finally to a disease of hunger, which has all the characteristics of this The bottom of the system, the patient, without help, can not help. since the mental weakness that caused the disease stands in the way of its eradication. 


"Furthermore, we see another class of people, who have healthy parents, who are educated and who are good at social, moral, and social relations, but their character and such physical principles, that, once they engage in the use of stimulants, which they find pleasurable, they continue to engage in their habit until they lost their meekness and became drunkards. An immoral desire begins, which slowly leads them to destruction.





The tongue is a muscular organ associated with the functions of swallowing, taste and speech. It works as an easy-to-access component for monitoring a person's health and displays the body's hydration level. It is said that the tongue is a mirror of the intestinal system and any negative activity of the stomach and intestines will be reflected in the tongue. 


Some changes occur in the tongue and some diseases. This is why tongue examination is very important and provides some clues for diagnosis. All doctors examine the tongue and they consider changes in size, shape, color, humidity. , cover, shape of growth buds and movement ect. Language output in some situations is not good:- 


1) Language translation:- 


a) In hemiplegia, the tongue moves to the paralyzed side when it comes out. 


b) Tremulus tongue movements are seen in diseases like thyrotoxicosis, delirium tremens and parkinsonisum. Tremors are also seen in panic patients. c) In progressive bulbar disease, there will be weakness and paralysis of the tongue and fibrillation. Finally, the tongue collapses and continues to work on the floor of the mouth. This condition is associated with the leakage of water and the interruption of speech. 


d) In chorea (incessant rhythmic movements), the patient may not be able to hold the protruding tongue at rest, he will move unconsciously. 2) Tongue water:- 


The moisture content of the tongue gives an indication of the hydration status of the body. A decrease in water volume leads to a decrease in bleeding characterized by weakness, thirst, impotence, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, dryness, dry tongue.


Dryness of the tongue is seen in these conditions. a) Nausea 

b) Complaints of serious illness 

c) high uremia 

d) Hypovolumic shock 

e) Temperature 

f) Hyponatremia 

g) Bowel obstruction 

h) Hunger 

i) Fasting for a long time.


3) Color Change:- 


a) Central cyanosis:- 


Cyanosis is a blue discoloration of the mucous membranes due to a decrease in oxygen in the blood. This is seen in heart failure, respiratory failure and anoxia. In cyanotic language, the lips turn blue. b) Jaundice:- 


It is a yellow discoloration of the entire nasal part of the body (including the tongue) due to increased bilirubin in the blood. Jaundice is seen in hepatitis, blockage of bile ducts, increase in red blood cells and ect...


c) High Uremia:- 


This is an increase in urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood due to kidney failure. Here, the tongue becomes brown in color. d) Keto acidosis: 


This is the acidosis and ketone accumulation seen in diabetes mellitus. Here, the tongue turns brown and smells like ketones from the mouth. 


e) Riboflavin deficiency:- 


Lack of this vitamin (vitamin B2) produces a magenta color of the tongue and pain and cracking of the lips. f) Niacin deficiency:- 


A deficiency of niacin (vitamin B3) and some other complex B vitamins can cause a red or shiny tongue. 


g) Anemia:- 


It is a reduction of hemoglobin in the blood. In severe anemia, the tongue becomes discolored. 4) Tongue Cover:- 


a) Bad breath:- 


The main cause of breathlessness is the formation of a pasty coating (living film) on the tongue that harbors thousands of anaerobic bacteria that cause the production of irritating gases. Those who complain of bad breath may have a hard coating on the back of the tongue. 


b) Typhoid fever:- 


In typhoid fever, the tongue becomes white as wool. c) candidiasis; 


It is a fungal infection that affects the mucous surface of the body. On the tongue, there will be white blisters appearing.


d) In diabetes and hypoadrenalism, there will be prominent white spots. e) Secondary Syphilis:- 


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Trepenoma pallidum. In the second stage of the disease, we can see painless mucous patches, white opalescent layers that cannot be easily removed. 


f) Leukoplasia:- 


Here, white keratotic plaques are seen on the tongue and oral cavity. It is a condition that causes cancer.